Thursday, May 27, 2010

Memorial Day. Thank you to all who have served and all who do now!

I am a Vietnam era War veteran, but I fought the end of the war flying a desk and wearing (usually) a sportscoat and slacks.  Media was my weapon and not my M-16.  But many of my relatives and friends and many of yours and many, many who have gone before us have run and crawled and fought and often died to give me the freedom to type these words and you the opportunity to read them.  My dad fought in Korea,  my son in Afghanistan and his other grandpa fought and received multiple medals including the Purple Heart for his service.  Your family probably includes brave people who put country and family above comfort and went out to protect loved ones by wearing the uniform and taking their place on the wall.

I do not know where my friend Adam Miller got this, but I do believe it should be shared:



 Keep it
moving, please, even if you've seen it before. 
It is the 
 not the preacher,  who has given us freedom of religion.
It is
 VETERAN not the reporter,   who has given us freedom of the press.

It is
 VETERAN not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

                                                                          It is                                                                             
not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.  

It is
 VETERAN not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is
 VETERAN not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the
salutes the Flag, 

It is

who serves
under the Flag,
I'd be EXTREMELY proud if this email reached as many as possible. We can be very
proud of our young men and women in the service no matter where they serve. 

               Bless them all!!! 

                         Makes you proud to be an AMERICAN!!!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Republican Liberty Caucus

Blue County in a Red State has announced the formation of the Lake County Chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus.

The conscience of the Republican Party!

Why should anyone care?  Because we need to get concerned citizens who want to see our country change back to a more Constitutional format and move forward in other ways all on the same page.   It does no good for six of us to get all excited about six different candidates while the other side runs one and therefore wins.   Because we need to energize and inform people in our own backyards.  

Activism and organizing have a communist connotation.   But although these methods have helped the socialists and communists advance their agendas, there is nothing inherently wrong with these methods.  We used the same methods to form this nation in the first place. 

Sure, what to sell at the fair and being sure we have a candidate for a district are Republican local questions.  Here is another one - who is registering new voters?   Who is walking neighborhoods with a handful of flyers and a smile?  

One thing the caucus will do is have an internet presence.   But as we get the arena built, we hope to herd in everyone who gives a rip about the USA to come wage war for freedom with the right information and the right techniques and a great deal of support of comrades.   The military has a camraderie by which we, as soldiers, are like brothers in some way, brothers in arms if you will.    While elections are won by vote and not gun the weapons of our warfare will be information and effort. 

The caucus will not provide money to candidates and will be focused on State, County and local elections. 

Stay tuned for breaking news on the organization on this website!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Where did the Visclosky crime probe go?

Sung to the tune of "Where have all the flowers gone?"

Where did the Visclosky crime probe go?
Long time passing.
Where did the Visclosky crime probe go?
Don't hear no more?
How about the funds that were misused
and the public trust abused?
When will we ever learn,
When will we ever learn?

Peter, Paul and Mary are not here to sing it and it appears that the government is not there to do it!

House ethics panel investigating Visclosky
Probe to examine ties with PMA Group

StoryDiscussionBy Christine Kraly -, (219) 662-5335 | Posted: Saturday, January 16, 2010 12:05 am | (27) Comments

The U.S. House ethics committee announced for the first time Friday that it has been probing since early last month whether U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky traded campaign cash for multimillion-dollar federal earmarks.

The Committee on Standards of Official Conduct confirmed it is extending its review of the Merrillville Democrat, whose ties to a powerful lobbying firm are under federal criminal investigation.

The ethics committee will announce its "course of action" on or before March 2, the panel said.

In a statement Friday, Visclosky said he "intends to cooperate fully and believes the committee will conclude that he engaged in no wrongdoing whatsoever."

He said he "looks forward to getting this matter behind him and continuing to work hard to serve all of his constituents in the First Congressional District."

The announcement reveals what some congressional experts say can be a confusing check on some of Washington's balances.

The panel began its look into Visclosky's ties with PMA Group on Dec. 2 based on a recommendation from the Office of Congressional Ethics.

The OCE is a nonpartisan, independent body created in 2008 to review allegations of ethics abuse from the public. Prior to the group, only the House ethics committee could initiate such a probe, said Melanie Sloan, executive director for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

If an allegation makes it to the second stage of the OCE's two-prong investigation, it means there is "probable cause to believe a violation has occurred," according to the OCE.

After the second phase, it must recommend either dismissal of the probe to the ethics committee or an extended review, as it did for Visclosky.

Sloan called the OCE recommendation likely "the least of (Visclosky's) problems."

For nearly a year, the U.S. Department of Justice has been investigating Visclosky's ties to PMA, a now-defunct lobbying firm suspected of making "straw" donations to lawmakers, concealing the true source of the money.

PMA had for years been Visclosky's top fundraising source, sending millions to the congressman, who helped award PMA clients with federal earmarks.

Visclosky's congressional office, campaign committees and some employees, including former Chief of Staff Chuck Brimmer, were subpoenaed in May.


So back in January the investigation was supposed to be ongoing but just exactly what have we heard about PMA and the other charges?  Porky Pete has a habit of voting on earmarks, lots of earmarks, most of which do NOT come back to his district.  Yet the people just keep voting for him?  What will it take before his actions are truly and fully investigated?  What will it take to wake up the voters and show them the disastrous results of pulling that "D" lever or pushing the "D" buttton or however your particular voting machine works?  Do you see Gary and East Chicago falling apart?  Do you see the mayor of struggling Hammond becoming a millionaire?  When will we ever learn?

ps- hat tip to baseball crank for comic!

Town of Cedar Lake redevelopment Commission 2009 Year-End Report

7408 Constitution Ave. • P.O. Box 707
Cedar Lake, IN 46303
219-374-7400 • Fax 219-374-8588
Ian G. Nicolini, Town Administrator

Town of Cedar Lake redevelopment Commission
2009 Year-End Report
In accordance with 1C 36-7-14-13

Pat ConIon, President
James Brandon
Ryan May
Randy Niemeyer
George Vukmirovich

2009 Revenue: $30,017.00
2009 Expenditures: $ 27,416.46
2009 Year-end Balance: $ 2,600.54

2010 Approved Budget: $ 39,600.00

Summary of Activities:

  • Ryan May and Randy Niemeyer were appointed to the commission by the Town Council.
  •  Mary Joan Dickson remains the non voting advisory member representing the Hanover Community School Corporation. 
  • Received reports and updates on the 133rd Avenue Project. Project completed in spring of 2009.
  • Reviewed and approved pay requests from vendors.
  • Resolution 2009-3 combined the 133rd and Wicker Economic Development Area and the Morse Street and 133rd Economic Development Area into one consolidate economic development area.
  • Resolution 2009-4 allowed for the consolidation of existing 2006A Bonds, the 2007 BAN,and acquisition of funds needed for the second phase of the 133rd Ave. project. 
  • Ongoing activities include TIP parcel reconciliation as it relates to accessed value of recent improvements and project prioritization within the TIF District.
  • Pat Conlon and Randy Niemeyer will join the Town Administrator and ofriers on the RFPConsultant Selection Committee for 133rd Phase II per the request of INDOT.
  • Quarterly meetings continue with Redevelopment Commissions from other NorthwestIndiana Communities (The Southshore RDC Alliance).
Patrick Conlon
Cedar Lake Redevelopment Commission President

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Giving the Lake County Tea Party a voice

The following is not official Republican Party content. The author is a member of the Lake County Tea Party. Take a look through the material and site and decide for yourself if you would like to be involved. Thanks for your time!

Please visit our website:

   Notre Dame vs Michigan  
Anyone interested in Notre Dame vs Michigan raffle
Please call Joseph A. Berger @ 219.736.6422
  View attached flyer at lower left corner  


Obama admit he is Muslim

Tell Senate to Stop Cap & Tax

Holder Admits to Not Reading Arizona's Immigration Law Despite Criticizing It

A Conservative Teacher

A Conservative Teacher

Top Donors From Obama's 2008 Presidential Campaign

Money Masters

W.Va. congressman's 28-year run ends

Anti-incumbent fever claims another victim

Copy machines, security risk?

"We Do Know Who You Are"

Guess What Greece Has To Jettison?

Simple Way to Put Americans Back to Work

Update: Senior Citizens Now Allowed to Pray Before Meals

Gov Christie calls S-L columnist thin-skinned

N.J. gov. sets tone for US

U.S. Decision to Approve Killing of Cleric Causes Unease

Ultimate Freedom

Congressman Brian Bilbray: No Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants - America's Morning News

Maxine Waters (D) Slip of the Tongue Reveals True Intentions (Socialism for America)


Elena Kagan White House "Interview" Riles Reporters

Barack Obama plans to punish BP with tax hike as Gulf spill worsens

Get Out Of Our House

Saturday, May 8, 2010

AmericanVet and Kim Krull Sum up the Post-Primary world for Lake County

Now that the excitement and noise of the primary season is past, we need to find our areas of agreement and join forces behind Lake County Chair Kim Krull and our local Republican organizations to support the winning candidates for our national, state and local offices on the Republican side and resolve that the prize is in sight:  2010.   The 2010 election may well be the most critical election our nation and our state have faced.  The primaries were the starting gun for a long race to come.

The primaries were like a family feud in which there is a lot of sound and fury but in the end I can look at the people we have on the ticket and then look across the way at the list held by the other side and breath a sigh of relief.  Not every one of my favorite candidates prevailed.  But like a family reunion, after the softball game is over we dust off and everyone sits down and eats the fried chicken and laughs about all the old stories.

On the national front there is a movement of the people known as a Tea Party movement and Republicans need to understand how to welcome them into the fold and join forces.  With the help of local grassroots leaders I do believe that local Tea Party voters will want to come out in force to support our Republican ticket.   State offices are of vital importance at a time when the Federal and State forces are finding themselves at odds and especially in a census year.   We truly need a Republican legislature in place to take charge of the various district borders that were gerrymandered by the Democrats after the last census.

Finally, here at the local level we have begun networking with the Lake County Republicans and various officials and bloggers and Tea Party leaders to make the attempt to get us all on the same page.  Cedar Lake has seen a great deal of change and growth engineered by years of Republican leadership.  Funny how the Democrats step up at the very end and take credit for years of hard work.  But those in the know realize that Republicans did the groundwork and the planning and got the ball rolling on a new Cedar Lake.  Now if we work together we can make sure that the finished product is what we want.   Cedar Lake has been a wonderful place to live and work and raise children.  It is vital to retain our vision and values that help make us home. 

Chairman's Comments  - Kim Dugger Krull

I'm really proud that we had so many contested races this primary. But although it can give us publicity, it can also bring out a lot of emotions and accusations especially by those who didn’t win. So let’s not forget what we are fighting for. If you make decisions and choices based on emotions, then the democrats have a better chance of winning in the fall. There are always going to be people in the Republican party that we don’t necessarily like. So if you make a decision to not help the party anymore based on that emotion, then we all lose that momentum that we have enjoyed the last few months. As my new friend Kimbal Binder put it, "We lick our wounds and join forces because the differences between conservatives are much less important that the difference between us and the liberals."

And to the winners, I ask that you not be arrogant with your win, but reach out to your opponent and the local and county party. Let your campaign now not be centered on just your self, but on the party as a whole. Support goes both ways. If you support the party and its leaders, the party and its leaders will support you. Then we are all winners. So a suggestion when you reach out is to not immediately ask for support from city, town, and county leaders, but ask what can I do to help make what you have been doing stronger.

We need all candidates that won, all candidates who lost, and all the people that worked on their campaigns to now start working together to beat the democrats in the fall. We will be working hard to fill all open seats with an appointed Republican. There will be an announcement next week on an appointment for Circuit Court Judge. And Mary Tanis contacted me last night to declare her candidacy for Dyer Town Council in Ward 4.

I will be appointing all delegates who did not win a contested race to an open slot. You should be getting a letter in the mail soon. If you know anyone else who wants to be a delegate at the State Convention on June 18th and 19th, please let me know ASAP as positions are filling up.


Primary winners

US Senate Dan Coats

US Congress Mark Leyva

State Rep District 15 Don Lehe

State Rep District 19 Dan Klein

County Sheriff Dan Bursac

County Council District 1 Michael A. Gramhofer

County Council District 4 Dan Dernulc

County Council District 5 Daryle K Tunis

County Council District 7 Rick Niemeyer

Cedar Creek Township Trustee Alice F. Dahl

Center Township Assessor Kristie L Dressel

Center Township Trustee Eldon Strong

Center Township Board Roland (Bub) Wise - Kathryn Webster - Bryan Bodamer

St John Township Assessor Hank Adams

St John Township Trustee Jean Shepherd

St John Township Board Tom Cavanaugh - Deb Walters - Al Hansen

St John Town Council Ward 3 Gregory J. Volk

Hanover Township Board Scott Bourrell - Roberta Torrence Allan

Calumet Township Trustee Willie Brown

Dyer Town Council Ward 2 Jeffrey Dekker

Dyer Town Council Ward 5 Debbie Astor

Hobart Township Trustee William J Savage

Lowell Town Council Ward 2 Bob Philpot

North Township Board Mario Martini

Cedar Lake Council Ward 1 Robert H. (Bob) Carnahan

Cedar Lake Council Ward 5 Randell C. (Randy) Niemeyer

Schererville Town Council Ward 2 Hal Slager

Schererville Town Council Ward 4 John O'Brien

Uncontested winners

State Senator District 1: David Spudic

State Senator Distric 4: Shawn Olson

State Rep District 1: Bill Johnson

State Rep District 2: Ken Stevenson

State Rep District 4: Ed Soliday

State Rep District 11: Cy Huerter

State Re District 14: Catherine Campbell

Cedar Creek Township Board: Brian Mathias

Eagle Creek Township Trustee: James Morrow

Eagle Creek Township Board: Bruce Mcneill, John R. Jurs

West Creek Township Trustee: Harold Mussman, Jr.

West Creek Township Board: Kyle Bruce, Michael R. Mcintire, Patricia R. Kopas

Winfield Township Trustee: Rollie Brauer

Winfield Township Board: Margaret R. (Marge) Brauer, Sherry J. Gasparovic, Linda G. Eisenhauer

St John Town Council: Gregory J. Volk


Monday, May 3, 2010

What happens if the Democrats win, Daddy?

Johnny Parker

Chicks on the right always have cool cartoons and videos and stuff.  Go check it out sometime.  And go VOTE ON TUESDAY, INDIANA!!!

Meeting Monday Night for CL Republicans!

South Side Pizzeria
111 Broadway (Lincoln Plaza)
Cedar Lake In. 46303

Come and get involved!

Chairman: Gregory Wornhoff 219-374-7684 Location: South Side Pizzaria
Contact: Greg Warnhoff 219-374-7684

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tastee Top Grill - Ain't it good to know you got a friend-ly post at election time?

L to R front row Jill Murr - Deputy - Clerk Treasurer; Debbie Carey -

owner; Diane Jostes- Cedar Lake Chamber of Commerce Executive Director-
Jean Eberle - Chamber Director; Amy Sund - Cedar Lake Clerk Treasurer;

second row - Christopher Carey, owners son; Robert Carnahan, -Vice
President Cedar Lake Chamber of Commerce; Dave Carey - owner; Charlie
Kaper, President Cedar Lake Chamber.

Small businesses are the heart and soul of a town and frankly of our country.  So now that the days are getting longer and hotter think about stopping by the Tastee Top Grill and supporting a local business while getting a snack or a meal? 

Saturday, May 1, 2010

No Robo Calls from Marlin Stutzman, period! But Mike Huckabee might call?

In case you have heard the rumor, NO, Marlin Stutzman's campaign is NOT using a robocall system to talk with voters.  All callers for Marlin are real people making real calls.  He has asked his supporters to make calls for him and that is the end of that.

I know of two organizations from outside of Indiana, one being the Senate Conservatives of Jim DeMint and another being a veteran's organization and I have heard that either one or both of them might be making robo calls.  We welcome any information you may have about that. 

But, again, NO WAY the Marlin Stutzman campaign is not robo calling and his supporters are not robo calling.   His campaign makes real calls and he has real supporters, too!


Why I Endorsed Marco Rubio, Chuck DeVore and Marlin Stutzman

Posted by Gov. Mike Huckabee

Thursday, April 29th at 11:57AM EDT

I realize that I am preaching to the choir on Redstate when I say we need: Chuck DeVore, Marco Rubio and Marlin Stutzman in the US Senate. We do.
We need three firm votes in the Senate AGAINST bailouts, Obamacare and the many tax increases that our coming our way to pay for both. We need strong defenders of the 2nd amendment, life, traditional marriage and wait for it…REAL BORDER SECURITY!

In Marco, Chuck and Marlin we have candidates with strong and proven conservative principles. On a day when a candidate with no principles is about to switch to “No Party Affiliation” it’s nice to celebrate and support three conservative candidates who know what they believe - and why they believe it.

Learn more about each today and consider making a donation in support of their campaigns at:

Marco Rubio -
Chuck DeVore -
Marlin Stutzman - and

Join me in helping elect three strong conservatives.

Marlin videos

RedState (Erick Erickson) endorses Marlin

American Conservatives Union endorses Marlin

Lake County Right To Life specifically endorses Marlin, along with 23 State Senators and 27 State House

Mark "The Great One" Levin endorses Marlin

Tea Party Action Committee endorses Marlin

Kevin Tracy endorses Marlin

Eric Krieg put up a Marlin Sign right before DeMint jumped on the bandwagon

Ken Tomlinson: Can a Hoosier farmer produce another Massachusetts miracle for Republicans?

By: Kenneth Tomlinson

Examiner Contributor

February 20, 2010

A notable buzz surrounded youthful Indiana State Sen. Marlin Stutzman as he was escorted around this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) by activist Donna Weisner. “Back in Indiana, they say he’s our Scott Brown,” she said proudly.

Stutzman supporters elatedly boasted news of a Rasmussen poll that gives Stutzman a ten-point lead over the likely Democrat nominee for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Evan Bayh.

All this is a stunning development for the young farmer and businessman who only four years ago was the youngest member of the Indiana legislature. In Washington power circles former Sen. Dan Coats has been all but anointed the GOP nominee for the Bayh seat.

In Indiana there has been a real pushback to the Washington-blessed Coats candidacy, and as ten thousand conservatives gathered for CPAC they were greeted by a huge Stutzman endorsement by increasingly influential RedState blogger Erick Erickson.

Declared Erickson: “The GOP needs to change its public image that voters have. It should not be using retired senators who moved out of state and become a lobbyist to do that.

“We need younger faces and fresher voices. We need guys like Marco Rubio. We need guys like Marlin Stutzman.”

This reaction is not the only thing the veteran conservative favorite Coats has to worry about in the senate race. CNN reports Democrats have unearthed a news video showing Coats talking about moving to North Carolina because the Tar Heel state “might be a better place” to live than Indiana. Critics also are combing through records from Coats’s recent work as a lobbyist, searching for clients who might lead to political embarrassment.

As excited as Stutzman’s supporters are over the Rasmussen poll, he is by no means a household name in the Hoosier state. Coats still is viewed as a clear favorite by D.C. political handicappers—and in the same Rasmussen poll Coats holds a 14-point lead over 8th district Rep. Democrat Brad Ellsworth, who in recent days announced he is running for the Bayh seat. For that matter, former 8th district Rep. John Hostettler who was defeated by Ellsworth in 2006 holds a 19- point lead over the man he beat, according to the Rasmussen poll.

Hostettler has been hammering away at Coats, despite his lifetime 90 percent ACU rating, because he was one of only a handful of GOP senators to vote for the Brady gun control bill. Hostettler is better known in Indiana than Stutzman—but his notoriety isn’t always a political plus.

As aggressively as Hostettler hammers away at Coats’s Second Amendment record, when it comes to gun control Hostettler has a record of his own. In August of 2004, he pleaded guilty to carrying a loaded semiautomatic handgun into a security checkpoint in the Louisville airport. A judge sentenced him to 60-days in prison but suspended the sentence.

On foreign policy issues, Hostettler tends to reflect the views of libertarian Rep. Ron Paul, R-TX.

Hostettler was swept into office in the big Republican year of 1994, but he managed to win reelection five times in Indiana’s “Bloody-Eighth,” which in the 1970s had the distinction of sending four different congressmen to the House in four successive elections.

Hostettler established a reputation as a poor fund raiser—in fairness he refused to accept PAC money—and the Almanac of American Politics notes that he once won reelection despite being outspent 2 to 1 by his Democrat opponent. His fund-raising deficiencies caught up with him in 2006 when Ellsworth, a county sheriff, crushed Hostettler. Ellsworth outspent him 3 to 1.

Fund raising for Hostettler may prove to be a real barrier in the senate primary. Erickson was one of the conservative leaders who produced a huge influx in campaign contributions in NY-23, and if the CPAC reaction to Stutzman is any reaction, national conservative money should be headed his way.

Stuzman is a fourth-generation farmer who grew up near Howe. He and his father farm 4,000 acres and also run a trucking company. He is an active Baptist and has participated in numerous church mission ventures around the world. In the Indiana legislature, he has been known as a supporter of tax cuts—and reductions in state spending. Stutzman has the support of Indiana senate pro tempore Daniel Long.

Footnote: A host of Washington journalistic insiders reported that Bayh had a comfortable leader when he stunned observers with his announcement that he would not seek reelection this fall.

That was far from the case.

A month ago, another Rasmussen poll showed Bayh in deep trouble back home. That survey showed Bayh attracting less than 50 percent of the vote against likely GOP opponents and Rasmussen concluded Bayh would likely face “a tough reelection battle” in the fall. Bayh chose not to face such a battle.

Coats made a similar decision 12 years ago when he chose not to run for reelection against then-popular Gov. Evan Bayh. Hoosiers have not seen Coats’s name on a ballot in 18 years.

Ken Tomlinson is a former editor-in-chief of The Reader's Digest.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Another Reason to Support Marlin Stutzman

Posted by Erick Erickson

Wednesday, April 28th at 1:40PM EDT


The NRSC backed Arlen Specter and a year ago today Specter bolted.

The NRSC backed Charlie Crist and today Charlie Crist is bolting.

The NRSC is backing Dan Coats. Now, there is no way under the sun that Dan Coats would bolt the GOP. But can we trust the NRSC’s judgment that Coats is the best guy?

Marlin Stutzman filed his financial disclosure. Coats has not.

Marlin Stutzman has an A+ rating from the NRA. Coats does not.

Marlin Stutzman has lived in Indiana for the past ten years. Coats has not.

Marlin Stutzman has never lobbied for bailed out banks. Coats has.

There are huge undecideds in this race in Indiana. Give money to Marlin Stutzman. Get him through the primary.

Don’t let the NRSC keep picking the candidates. Conservatives need to choose. And conservatives need Marlin Stutzman.


The Hoosierpundit: Octobama

The Hoosierpundit: Octobama

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