(Some bolding will be by me)
Pete Visclosky Costs the People of Indiana $400 Million Dollars by Voting YES to Obamacare.
Pete Visclosky removed $25 million dollars from the State’s budget right out of the gate with the new Obamacare law and this is just the first of many costs and losses of revenue (which translates into higher taxes) associated with this disastrous, unconstitutional law. The money Pete is taking from the State of Indiana will grow in one decade to $400 million dollars. When asked if the healthcare reform bill was constitutional he said that he thought it was and that his wife is a lawyer. What Mrs. Pete does for a living has no bearing here, but he thought it led credence to his voting in favor of this socialist takeover of 1/6th of our national economy. He said that if we do not think it is constitutional we always have redress. That right there folks is Pete Visclosky giving Indiana the finger, doing what he wants to do for his political career and saying, “So sue me.”.
In all of Pete’s January town halls he claimed that Indiana needed this legislation and that it would be very good for us. When asked about the cost he said it was paid for. When it was pointed out the over $250 million dollar cost for The Doctor Fix was not reflected in the bill he moved right along, never addressing the fact that this legislation would cost America over a trillion dollars. They fudged the numbers, left out The Doctor cost and made sure to sell it as being under a trillion. This was before anyone knew that the federal government was also including the takeover of education in the form of Pell Grants and student loans. That gem was slipped in at the last minute. Who knew? The money they make from that takeover helps to offset the cost of this program. Another jewel which he failed to mention is that the Medicaid prescription drug rebates, which Indiana fought hard for as revenue for the State’s programs will now be the property of the federal government. Indiana haveth, Pete Visclosky and the Feds taketh.
And if you as a citizen do not pay up for a health insurance policy, Pete has agreed to the hiring of an additional 16,000 IRS agents who will make sure the feds get their pound of flesh. Thanks Pete.
Pete never uttered a peep when there was an issue with the abortion language. He was voting YES regardless of what was in the bill, and no one knew what was in the bill.
Remember Obama and all of the Dems, including Pete Visclosky, saying that one thing that would happen immediately is that children with pre-existing conditions will get healthcare? THAT LANGUAGE WAS NOT EVEN IN THE BILL. They had to go back, after the bill was signed by Obama and add it in. How is that for honesty and being true to America? The only real accomplishment of this bill is that it creates a framework for the federal government taking over every aspect of your life.
You can read the article here:In all of Pete’s January town halls he claimed that Indiana needed this legislation and that it would be very good for us. When asked about the cost he said it was paid for. When it was pointed out the over $250 million dollar cost for The Doctor Fix was not reflected in the bill he moved right along, never addressing the fact that this legislation would cost America over a trillion dollars. They fudged the numbers, left out The Doctor cost and made sure to sell it as being under a trillion. This was before anyone knew that the federal government was also including the takeover of education in the form of Pell Grants and student loans. That gem was slipped in at the last minute. Who knew? The money they make from that takeover helps to offset the cost of this program. Another jewel which he failed to mention is that the Medicaid prescription drug rebates, which Indiana fought hard for as revenue for the State’s programs will now be the property of the federal government. Indiana haveth, Pete Visclosky and the Feds taketh.
And if you as a citizen do not pay up for a health insurance policy, Pete has agreed to the hiring of an additional 16,000 IRS agents who will make sure the feds get their pound of flesh. Thanks Pete.
Pete never uttered a peep when there was an issue with the abortion language. He was voting YES regardless of what was in the bill, and no one knew what was in the bill.
Remember Obama and all of the Dems, including Pete Visclosky, saying that one thing that would happen immediately is that children with pre-existing conditions will get healthcare? THAT LANGUAGE WAS NOT EVEN IN THE BILL. They had to go back, after the bill was signed by Obama and add it in. How is that for honesty and being true to America? The only real accomplishment of this bill is that it creates a framework for the federal government taking over every aspect of your life.
“New drug rules to cost state $25 million in 2011” (Bold and italics below are mine)
INDIANAPOLIS | While the most costly provisions of federal health reform won’t take effect until 2014, state officials determined Indiana’s budget will pay a price starting this summer.That’s because the new health law takes money from prescription drug rebates currently paid to state Medicaid programs and redirects those funds to the federal government.
As a result, Indiana will lose $25 million during the 2011 budget year, which begins in July, and as much as $400 million during the next decade, said Anne W. Murphy, secretary of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration.
Kitchell forwarded Murphy’s letter to lawmakers on the StateBudget Committee, including state Sen. Karen Tallian, D-Ogden Dunes, warning committee members there will more bad budget news to come.
“There is still a lot of work to do to evaluate the extra costs imposed on Indiana taxpayers, which will eventually be in the billions of dollars,” Kitchell said.
According to Murphy, Indiana has done better than most states in negotiating favorable rebates from drug companies. This has “enabled Indiana to capture rebates well beyond the minimums established by the federal government,” she said.
Thanks Pete Visclosky. You voted YES to this law because you think that the crooks and cronies in Northwest Indiana have the November General Election sewn up in a bag for you. You voted YES to this legislation that is not only damaging immediately to the State of Indiana, but is the gift that keeps on giving. Indiana will suffer for decades and longer unless we vote you out of office and hire a true representative come November.But now that the federal government will receive the rebates instead of states, Indiana will lose more money than other states, Murphy said.
The reality is that you harm Northwest Indiana way more than you ever helped. When you repeated over and over during your January town halls that you were in favor of this federal takeover of 1/6th of the economy, when you repeated how great this will be for Indiana, you failed to explain that the only true benefactors will be the Federal Government. I am sure you will write some political speech to explain away the consequence you thrust upon the people of Indiana and I am sure you are hoping that the people in Indiana District 1 forget about the financial pain you personally inflicted not only on your constituents, the State of Indiana, but the rest of the nation.
We will not forget what you did Pete and we will fight the corruption that put you in office and keeps you in office. The people are awake now Pete and things will never be the same for you and your ilk.
The $400 million dollar loss in rebate revenues for the State of Indiana is just the tip of the iceberg. More pain is coming and you can thank Pete Visclosky. As of the signing of this unconstitutional healthcare ‘reform’ bill, the people of Indiana, according to Pete, do not deserve to retain the State’s savings from the prescription drug rebates, Pete believes the federal government deserves Indiana’s money.
Mind you that come November, Pete Visclosky will trot out a figure representing the amount of earmarks has has pushed through. He hopes that no one asks him where that money went. He hopes everyone thinks that money went to Northwest Indiana. What he does NOT want you to know is that he gets 97% of his campaign donations from outside of the state of Indiana and that his earmarks are divided up between those contributors who are not companies headquartered in NW Indiana. While meandering through our wallets he holds up a happy face sign and claims that he has brought ‘all of this money back to Indiana. Do not be fooled by his campaign rhetoric, dig down and find the truth. Find out where that money really went.
The majority of the earmarks he claimed to have brought ‘home’ really never made it to Northwest Indiana, but Pete loves to claim otherwise. He guided millions of dollars of our money to companies out of his district. Sadly, prior to 2007, Congresscritters did not have to sign their name to earmarks. We will never know how many billions of dollars of earmarks were used to secure campaign contributions over a 26 year career in congress. As soon as they showed some light on earmarks back in 2007 they had a Who’s Who of Porking America, and Pete Visclosky was shown as being # 6 out of 435 representatives. That is some accomplishment and that was back in 2007. Since being under investigation for Pay to Play, Pete has drastically reduced his earmark requests, plus there is an election coming in November and he once again, will try to cover the truth with spewing out some ‘evidence’ that he is a good guy, serving Northwest Indiana.
Yeah, right.
There is no mistake that something was and is dirty in DC with Pete Visclosky being investigated by the Department of Justice. Stroll through Taxpayers for Commonsense and see what is up with your representative
Bring your friends and vote in May for the primary election and vote for Rob Pastore. He is the person who will be a true and ethical representative for US Congress in Indiana District 1.
Now a word from me...
May I add that Mark Leyva is running and is the head of the Lake County Tea Party?
Also Eric Olson is on the primary ballot. Do your due diligence and vet these candidates and vote for the best one.
A new blog for me as well, have to check it out.